Monday, October 12, 2009

Long-Term Photo Project Ideas

Post your long-term photo project ideas under comments.


  1. Combat veteran/s of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with post traumatic stress disorder.

  2. I'm thinking I might want to do a project on child beauty pageants- the lifestyle of the parents and children and hopefully capture the chaos that must exist.

    - natalie

  3. A senior citizen's immigrant or refugee story in English and with traces of their own language. Or maybe BINGO, because of the superstitions involved.

  4. I have continued my search for street performers but have come up short. Luckily I met this guy a while back who is a jazz musician. After a couple of conversations he asked me to shoot the covers for his next ep. I've met up with him once and got some good images out of it, so I’m going to ask him if I can use the images for this project. Killing two birds with one stone.
